Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things i'm still waitin to happen lol

*getting a rose on the front seat of my car

*be able to buy a house of my own

*help nick more

*not get bitched at for trying to help

*ppl understanding PTSD and not blaming us for it

*not bein pain

*that whole family thing i can't seem to get right lol

*to be happy for once no matter the circumstances

*my promotion ceremony hahahahaha

*my va shit to get done

*VA rating

*John to figure out which house we're getting cuz he knows where they all are lol

*my shit to get picked up and sent to Cali.. even tho i dont have an address yet

*finish packing for Cali

*Facebook to stop changing shit


*My new supposed title in OIF Community. haha

*get the rest of my money the army owes me... at least 12k

*Weed to be legalized... it'll happen folks