Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving, stuffing and a fallen soldier

I woke fairly early today. I'm not sure why, but at the time I know I was the only one awake. I ended up falling back asleep. which I vote was a good choice. By the time I finally rolled out of bed, the turkey was already in the oven. The admiral was doing all the cooking I guess, except for the stuffing, so I was only in the kitchen to help when needed. The rest of the time I was just talking, reading and checking my Facebook by the fireplace. Made me really want to watch some Christmas movies. The Santa Clause is my favorite series of movies. I absolutely love them and could watch then over and over again. Its just one of those movies I guess. (I'm the same way with Twister.) Whoever the dude is that plays the big elf is a good actor tho. I like him on Numbers... er whatever. I'm getting a little sidetracked, sorry. So, it was pretty good. Very relaxing. Not a big fan of big orchestras, but who am I to judge. haha.
The time came when I was supposed to make the cranberry stuffing. (*Let me just say that I don't like anything with cranberry. So, I never ended up eating the only dish I made. haha*) So, I'm having a hell of a time coming to terms with the directions. I was confused beyond belief over a stuffing recipe. I looked at the ingredients, all 8 of them, and could only think "Why the hell didn't the admiral get Stovetop?!!" I finally get a grib after enough 'hardy har har' comments from the admiral. Tho he did acknowledge my TBI. The last few weeks have been the worst. I can't remember much, I get confused really easily, and Its so hard to even follow directions. I was having a pretty rough time. I have an appointment at the Palo Alto VA on the 9th for Poly-trauma. Hopefully they can figure out whats going on. My health has decreased since I got out in April. Thank god I'm already 100% right now, because I'd never be able to find an employer who understands my condition. Back to my original point and moral of this story. :: "Don't panic. It's only stuffing."
At some point while I was sitting by the fire, I thought of Duncan. And I got this hollow feeling that, even now at 0131, is still there. Its a void in your universe that can't be filled, fixed or forgotten. It is a permanent dent in your psyche that you will struggle with forever. At least we have come to terms with it. Like it or not, some day you'll look back at this and know I was right all along. Most of us already get it. Having someone ripped from your universe is something that can't be healed. Like Vietnam, our war is a different kind of war.

I remember very clearly the day of the incident in Sept 2007. I remember checking his

progress a few times a week. I also remember the day I found out he died. I was crushed. He fought so hard with the injuries this poor soldier had. He was a fighter. I got a bracelet with his name on it & used to wear it all the time. But, it brings back all that *pain/memories too much sometimes. So, It's in a box somewhere. I've been thinking about him a lot. 

PFC Duncan Crookston was killed months after his injury from an IED blast sent him in critical condition. He lost both of his legs, his right arm and left hand and was burned on 50% of his body. It was a miracle he survived at all. That fact alone shows how much of a fighter he was. WHile we never crossed hairs personally, I took our mission in Iraq extremely seriously. And I cared about every soldier we moved, every name that came across my desk... I wanted the chaos to stop so didn't have to see KIA on a any more lists.
Today I found out that Crookston's story is the a book called 'The Good Soldiers'. I WILL be buying an actual copy of this book on payday. I feel for his family, his wife; I wish there was something you could do or say that could even the playing field. There just isn't. The death of one will be interpreted to many others, of who many will have no military experience or kinship, in many different ways. Every one of those ways will have its leaders, followers and bullshitters who use our names in whatever campaign their profiting from. "No blood for Oil." as his investment of millions drops into his bank account. You know the type.
Anyways, I was just thinking about a lot of that kinda of stuff today. I never said a word tho. Who wants to be responsible for ruining Thanksgiving because I want to get it off my chest. I'd rather say less, look cute and dig in to the turkey on my plate. So here's my Turkey day confessions. I'm sure I'm missing something. ... Oh well. Hope everyones Thanksgiving was awesome.