Friday, May 14, 2010

Standing Against the Rain

Where do i start? They made me take out my lip ring...which was almost healed. I flipped about that. Safety reasons my ass. Then my lifeline. O and this one nurse was convinced I've taken it out before and was lying when i said i've never taken it out. She kept calling me a liar. Never took it out... until they did. How quick there were to judge.

It wasn't a complete waste of time tho. Cus the head doc write 'severe ptsd' on my chart that goes to the VA. So, thats one step down. I have 2 appts at the VA in Johnstown on the 18th. I just dont like being isolated. Sometimes you just need a hug. You'll never get that in there. So thats kind of depressing, but i'm ok.

Only one person calls. But that one in particular has a way of always cheering me up. So, he's helped more than I can ever say.

The doc says he thinks i should stay longer ( for at least a week), but honored my 72 release request. I ended up out today at like 1230.