Friday, September 17, 2010

Not too shabby

So, today was, minus a few annoyances, was a pretty good day. The room mate finally made it to a real doctor and is getting the care the VA SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVING HIM SINCE DAY ONE. But as long as someone is doing it, I don't really care who does it.

I had my Compensation and Pension exam today. Went ok. So, thats one down. Now I just gotta cross my fingers and hope I can get my shit done by the end of the year so I can get the remaining money from the army. Then i should be just fine.

I got my education future planned. I'm gonna be a Veteran Service Officer for AMVETS once they train me. I'm also set to start at Kaplan: Paralegal for Associates, Political Science for my Bachelors. All can be used to help veterans in some way or another.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


The confusion in my life is overwhelming. I have no idea whats going on. I go from everything bein ok, to feeling unwanted. Its too much for me to bare. I hate not knowing whats going on in my own life. My life is a circus.

I wish I knew how to handle this, I just don't. It'd be different if I could read minds. Instead I'm stuck here, wondering what my future will hold. And how fast the foundation I have will be blown apart. I'm always the last to know, but I'm used to that. I've lived most of my life out of a bag. I was just hoping I wouldn't have to do that anymore.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Extra

I know that no one reads these. I dont really care of anyone does to be honest. Its just a way to vent w/o the backlash of those around me. I need to be able to release all the pent up anger and feelings before I explode.

I don't really use names because my personal life is no ones business. I am barely holding myself together, so there's no use adding another variable to the mix.

While, my life is still in shambles, I do what I have always known. Soldier on. For a while, I didn't' know how to anymore. But on the way home from the massive road trip, that I will NEVER do again, I acquired a Black Onyx necklace. I got it because I've always loved black onyx. Little did I know what it would do to help me. It repels negative energy. I never believed in any of that stuff, til I put it on and the weight of my life began to lift. It has literally saved me. Whats sad is that I had someone who runs a veterans organization aimed at PTSD tell me that he had to delete me because his group is mainly Christian based. Ok? So because I decided to try something holistic, even tho I too have PTSD, I had to go? How can someone claim to want to spread the word and help veterans with PTSD, but have a catch.. like a religion.. Thats total bullshit. Anyone legit would be happy that the veteran found something that works for them, not cast them aside because they don't go to church. I was in shock when I was told this.

Either way... I feel like an extra. I feel like I'm just here to do what other people don't want to do. I feel like I'm being used. I feel like I'm still in the Army, where us little people are treated like garbage. But, I do it anyways, cuz why not? I never know whats going on in my life. I have to take it literally one hour at a time. Which is not the way to live your life. I can't even make plans, because I dont know what is going on. The only plan that I've made is to go to vegas whenever I get my money. But after the VA decided to push my appt back 4 fuckin months, I'm so poor right now. I can't even afford to think about the future. How sad is that.

Maybe someday I'll figure it out. Maybe someday I'll feel wanted. But for now, I'll just sit here and post links about veterans. Its what I'm best at.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Its 55 degrees. Too cold for my liking. Home alone with the dog today. But I do have a few things to do and I get to man the remote... for once. Figure I can wash some clothes, clean up, & finish catching up on stuff I need to do.

I wanted to get all my VSO training done before I started school, but i'm not sure how to go about that. So, maybe i'll contact the school and see when the next semester starts.

Monday, September 13, 2010


My life is still utter chaos. The black onyx helps with not getting angry so easily and is helping my PTSD believe it or not.. but the VA just made it jump back a few thousand feet. I have a comp and pen appt on friday. I was SUPPOSED to have another one on October 5th. I get home today and find out that they changed it without telling me. When you ask? MOTHER FUCKING JANUARY 2011!!?!! I'm so close to homeless as it is. I can't pay for storage. I can't pay rent. I'm squatting in someones house. I have no income. I can't even afford to get a Cali license. I'm THAT broke.

The VA is creating more homeless veterans. Veterans come first my fucking ass.

My life is in shambles but I'm holding it together. I'm alone. Fuck my life. Seriously. Nothing can ever fucking go right for me. Ever.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another day of chaos

I'm not sure how I even got to this point. Always sacrificing for others and in the end, I am left carrying the weight. Its obvious that I care too much about other people. And its also obvious that no one shares the same feelings as me. I knew a long time ago, I wouldn't have much of a future. I knew that I'd end up dying alone, no kids and probably just a pet. I've tried enough in my life to have a future, and it seems that I'm just not supposed to have one.

I have no one to talk to. I'm just supposed to keep it all in. And even if I try to vent to someone else, if other people hear it, I get told to stop bitching. I feel unwanted and that I don't belong. I really wish my life didnt' suck like it does. I wish I had someone to listen to me. Like face to face. Not on the internet. But, I dont have that. I'm just supposed to suck it up.
I'm at a point where I need someone physically here to help me. And even tho theres people around, I still feel alone. Like I'm the only one around. No matter where I am, I dont feel like I belong.

People always say to call if I need someone to talk to. I could, but I dont feel like doing that over the phone. It'd be nice to have someone around who understands what I'm going through. I just dont. Well, theres a few with ptsd around, but none of them care unless its about them. All I know, is that never again will I pick up my life and move across the country. For anyone. For any reason. Why sacrifice for someone else, when they are not willing to even recognize that you're suffering too? Its a life I don't feel is worth living.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I officially have nothing left to lose. The fallout from my PTSD has stripped me of everything I thought I had. I'm now left with confusion and the reminder of how messed up I really am.

I started wearing a black onyx necklace. I looked up the meaning and its supposed to repel negative energy. So, I don't have thoughts racing through my head anymore, but the severity of the fallout from my PTSD is what is taking its toll right now. I feel lost and alone. And I have a feeling I will always feel like that. I just can't do anything right anymore. I'm so stressed, but holding it together as much as I can.

I dont care who reads this anymore. I need a vacation. I need a break from all this shit. I need to just disappear.

There is no such thing as sunshine and rainbows in my life. Theres just confusion. I wish I had some answers as to how and why my life repeatedly takes a cliff dive. I'm tired of hitting bottom. Nothing like being kicked when you're down.

I have to play like i'm happy go lucky when on facebook most of the time, because if I dont, i get yelled at and/or attitude. I fought for my freedom... and now I get yelled at for expressing it? I lost every right I had a long time ago apparently. I'm just tired of ppl expecting me to be the stand up guy... would it kill for someone to give me a fuckin hug? Ppl that are around my all the time just ignore it. When a hug is literally what would help get me out of this 'funk' that i'm in. Its amazing how elusive ppl can bt. How can you not know whats wrong with me? If you dont you're a complete moron.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Slowly burning

I feel lost. Confused. Betrayed. Cheated. Unwanted.

I can't trust anyone, but in my defense, its hard to do that when they give you every reason to not trust them. Secret texting and messaging. Secret phone calls. I'd check to verify, but am afraid of what i'll find. So I live angry at myself, and in denial that it can't be happening to me... again. Flirting with every girl. Calling them all beautiful but the one they're supposed to be dating.. and in love with. No wonder i feel used.

When do I get to be happy? When is it gonna be MY turn? I've been walked all over my whole life. Simply because I gave them a chance and I end up powerless and weak in the end. I just pick up the pieces of my broken heart up off the floor and throw them in my trunk.. and off i go. Hoping to find peace and stability. Then get walked all over again. Words mean nothing to me anymore. I'm a broken mess and no one seems to truly care but me.

I'm tired of hearing lies and empty words. I just want the truth. When are guys gonna learn that we'd rather you admit that you dont love us, so we can move on and find someone who does. When are guys gonna realize that we love being told we're beautiful, yet they never say it unless they're not dating you. Maybe I just have bad luck with guys...maybe i'm just ugly. Maybe its all because i'm stupid and gullible... and easy to fool. How can I be confident, when you're tone and words make me feel like shit? How can I have self esteem when you tell everyone but me how beautiful they are... and that they should come tuck you in... Yes I seen that text. And let me tell you, it took all i had to not cut that bitch from vag to voicebox. Everyone thinks i'm stupid..


I don't like being silenced. Or told to not talk about stuff on FB. Who am I supposed to talk to? All i have these days is my phone and my computer. Too much going on around me. So why do I feel so isolated? I can see it now. I'll get chewed out for posting this. Like I do for everything. No one wants to hear how I feel. Its been like that for years. People just ask, why I keep trying to get attention. Trust me. If i really wanted attention, i'd become a hooker.

I'm not sure how much longer I can go on living this way. At the end of the day, I dont feel like I made a difference. I feel like there's something i'm not being told. But i'm too afraid to bring it up. Because, right now... without this... i have nothing. No one to even pretend they give a shit.

I'm not suicidal. I just need someone to talk to. That wants to listen and cares how I feel. Someone I can sit down face to face with and just talk. Every time i've tried to do that in the last few months, I get cut off or just get the reponse, "Ok?" Further proof that I'm solo on this mission against PTSD. People around me know about it... some have it. So why stir the pot when you know what my response is gonna be? If you know I've had no treatment and tend to get pissed off easily... theres an easy solution for that. Stop pissing me off. Stop talking to me like a fuckin piece of shit subordinate. Talk to me like a human. We're all broken. Theres no reason to get cocky. I feel like shit everyday as it is. Raising your voice will not help. And talking to me like I"m stupid? Makes me feel like shit even more. The only escape I have is music. Music doesn't yell at me. Music doesn't bitch me out for having an opinion. Music doesn't throw a fit when I use the first amendment that I mother fuckin fought for. Music is just... music.

I need a new life. One without criticism. One without lies. One without secret girlfriends. I want to be happy... to someday be a mom... to not be in pain. But I've been dealt different cards. To be unhappy, unable to have kids, miserable, constantly in pain, constantly alone, always on guard, always afraid, and never happy with where I am. My life's been torn apart by the parasites that I let in. And now theres nothing left for me to give. My soul has been burned. My heart has been destroyed. My will to go on... died a long time ago.