Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bradley and other random things

I miss my dog. The only fam I had that hasn't abandoned me. But he's in SD with ppl I thought that wouldn't keep him from me. I was wrong. I took a risk and it blew up in my face. Won't get into details because it pisses me off. Lets just say they're pretty much keeping him from me until I come up with $900 of what I call 'ransom money'. Thanks guys. Just remember you were responsible for him while he was under you're care, and its your fault he got bit. Not mine. Demanding money for something that was your fault is fucking bullshit.

I'm prepping for Warrior Weekend 2012 in SoCal. Contacting bands already to see if they can work with me on this. Its meant to be a fun and motivating event for any and all veterans. Can't wait til things start pickign up. Its busy now, but its all important. More to come on that. I haven't slept in 2 days. lol

Preppin for a lot of stuff actually lol. I figure it this way. They haven't been able to kill me yet. lol So, I'll be good.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I went to the memorial for Clay Hunt today in LA with a friend that knew him. Ive seen my share of grown men crying, and it gets harder to watch every time. But it shows how lacking the adequate treatment is. They need to do more. They dont' really seem to get it. I think its time they did.

As for this Anonymous fellow. Good for you. PTSD is what it is. Ppl handle it differently. I have 3 forms of it. I have mostly dealt with my rape PTSD alone. I'm somewhat at rest with it. But I have problems going places alone to make sure it doesn't happen a third time. To be clear. The first one, I was dragged into an alley. The 2nd, I was in my barracks room passed out. Woke up half way through it. Neither were prosecuted. Got off scott free with an honorable discharge.

And honestly, if you're gonna talk shit to me, at least be honest and reveal yourself. Just sayin. Anyone can talk shit behind a computer.

Making someone feel like shit is not the way to go. Insulting them is not gonna work. And the breaking of the face comment was sarcasm. Guess some ppl dont catch sarcasm, but whatever.

Nonetheless... you are not being forced to read this. Hardly anyone does. Its the only way I have to vent. And talking to me like i'm a piece of shit is just retarded. Go talk shit to someone else.

End of story.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fuck You Anonymous

I've spent the last year trying not to snap. Trying like fucking hell not to break someones fucking face open. I have no outlet. So this is what I do. Don't like it? Don't fucking read it. Insulting me is not going to help my PTSD. It is only gonna make it worse. Hey.. maybe I should off myself. Would that make Anonymous feel better? Pussy. Didn't even have the BALLS to fuckin say who you were. Whats wrong? You afraid I'll hunt you down and break your face?

I've been through more in the last 28 years than you'll EVER have to endure. You have no idea. But all you do is talk shit. Calling me Emo. Really? Not even. Try broken. From war, from rape, from a shitty fuckin disillusioned life. Yet I keep saying what... I'm. Still. Here. And i'll be here to break your face when you come at me face to face.. pussy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Words on a page...

They call it isolation. I call it life. I'm so used to being alone, that its always routine. Kinda like before I got out (and was still married) when I always felt alone. But what can you do. You can't force ppl to give a fuck about you. You can't force ppl to care. You just gotta.... suck it up.  It'd be a shit ton easier if I had a family that actually called... I just don't.  I have veterans who need help. I have orgs who want my support. I have issues that need dealt with. Just no actual family. Does it suck? Yes. Very much. But it's the cards I was dealt. Someones gotta suffer forever.... if its gotta be me.. then its gotta be me. I have nothing to lose. So, it makes no difference either way. I'll still be here no matter what. No use pouting just because my life is fucked up. Let the ppl who CAN be happy .. be happy. Whether it be their full fledged fam... or even just a kid. Fam is fam nonetheless. I have "when, i feel like your fam'' kind of fam. So essentially, I have no support system. No calls to say, 'hey. how you REALLY doin?'. No one ever fuckin calls me. I'm like the blacksheep. Ppl only care when they feel bad. I don't want pity. I want fucking respect. I want a real family who cares. I just don't have that. They care on THEIR schedule. Still pisses me off.

Most things people say are just words on a page. Words ppl think will make me feel better. Not words of truth or distinction. Just words. People say a lot of things. Ask anyone. I'm the little sister. Always have been. People can say what they want, but when they meet me the same thing happens. "You're like a sister." HAHAHA seriously. Just how it is. Which I've totally accepted. What else am I supposed to do? Pout? Not my thing. Just cuss to myself at how FUCKED my luck is and keep moving. Of course when no one is looking I'm a whole dif person. I'm the classic PTSD patient. Zoning. Falling. Dying inside. But no one knows. Why? Because no one pays that much attention. Its so obvious. Like a slap in the face. Somehow no one feels it. I feel abandoned. But no worries. I"m used to it. Sad huh. And yet again, this reach for help will have failed. Nothing new.

Would it kill the world to give a shit? Apparently so. Apparently its too much work to actually be there for someone who has no one around. Pathetic.

Regardless, tomorrow will be a new day. And tomorrow will have new duties, new challenges, new issues. Just wish I had someone to share all this with. As of now, ppl only call me when they feel like it. So I literally have NO SUPPORT system. Does America care? Nope. All they care about is themselves. How fucking selfish can one get? They have a family. I have nothing. They have good times.. I have horrid memories. This country needs a wake up call in the form of a bitch slap.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boxes, nicknames and 12 oz cans

I've been called a Viper for a while now. Never really thought about it really til lately. I just do what I do. Whether ppl like it or not. It needs done. Ask anyone that knows me. If it needs said.. I'm the first one to pop off at the mouth. Cuz I get tired of the bullshit.. quick.

It's friday. What am I doing? Going through boxes. Amazing myself at the shit i kept and laughing at the same time. Found some awesome shit. Threw away some bullshit. Pretty uneventful really. But hey, gotta kill time somehow. Theres only so much news you can watch. Only so much you can Google. Only so much Facebook I can handle. I thought it would help me relax since its a pretty easy task, but I think it mad it worse. Rehashed a lot of memories. Hung up some pictures in the living room tho from a calendar I had in Iraq. I miss my friends from Lewis. At least I'll never have to say I'm ashamed of being a Soldier. Despite the bullshit, I loved it.

I met Gary Sinise. AWESOME guy. Really has heart in what he does for the troops. Can't thank Adam enough for getting me there. I couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him. Ok. I won't lie. I was kinda nervous haha. First celebrity I ever met. Gave him a card and told him about the Warrior Distress Line. Adam made sure to tell him that what we really need is publicity. Gary told me that he's a huge part of DSTRESS. (The Marine distress line.) All in all, it was good. It was awesome meeting him. And it was good to see Joe and Gary Douglas again. It would be nice if someone would call me once and a while and be like.. hey.. u wanna get your ass out of your apartment? No one does tho. Well. I take that back. Adam does sometimes. Thank god.

Been going through boxes for hours. I guess I put the bulk of it off because I didn't know where to start. Tearing through it as fast as I can right now while I still can. Theres just so much shit I've acquired in the last 10 years. I got like 3 duffle bags of military shit. Hopin it get this done soon. Its definitely overwhelming. But it needs done so i don't think about it constantly. I got veterans to help.