It's friday. What am I doing? Going through boxes. Amazing myself at the shit i kept and laughing at the same time. Found some awesome shit. Threw away some bullshit. Pretty uneventful really. But hey, gotta kill time somehow. Theres only so much news you can watch. Only so much you can Google. Only so much Facebook I can handle. I thought it would help me relax since its a pretty easy task, but I think it mad it worse. Rehashed a lot of memories. Hung up some pictures in the living room tho from a calendar I had in Iraq. I miss my friends from Lewis. At least I'll never have to say I'm ashamed of being a Soldier. Despite the bullshit, I loved it.
I met Gary Sinise. AWESOME guy. Really has heart in what he does for the troops. Can't thank Adam enough for getting me there. I couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him. Ok. I won't lie. I was kinda nervous haha. First celebrity I ever met. Gave him a card and told him about the Warrior Distress Line. Adam made sure to tell him that what we really need is publicity. Gary told me that he's a huge part of DSTRESS. (The Marine distress line.) All in all, it was good. It was awesome meeting him. And it was good to see Joe and Gary Douglas again. It would be nice if someone would call me once and a while and be like.. hey.. u wanna get your ass out of your apartment? No one does tho. Well. I take that back. Adam does sometimes. Thank god.
Been going through boxes for hours. I guess I put the bulk of it off because I didn't know where to start. Tearing through it as fast as I can right now while I still can. Theres just so much shit I've acquired in the last 10 years. I got like 3 duffle bags of military shit. Hopin it get this done soon. Its definitely overwhelming. But it needs done so i don't think about it constantly. I got veterans to help.