Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bradley and other random things

I miss my dog. The only fam I had that hasn't abandoned me. But he's in SD with ppl I thought that wouldn't keep him from me. I was wrong. I took a risk and it blew up in my face. Won't get into details because it pisses me off. Lets just say they're pretty much keeping him from me until I come up with $900 of what I call 'ransom money'. Thanks guys. Just remember you were responsible for him while he was under you're care, and its your fault he got bit. Not mine. Demanding money for something that was your fault is fucking bullshit.

I'm prepping for Warrior Weekend 2012 in SoCal. Contacting bands already to see if they can work with me on this. Its meant to be a fun and motivating event for any and all veterans. Can't wait til things start pickign up. Its busy now, but its all important. More to come on that. I haven't slept in 2 days. lol

Preppin for a lot of stuff actually lol. I figure it this way. They haven't been able to kill me yet. lol So, I'll be good.