Sunday, December 26, 2010

Buddy the Elf, whats your favorite color? :))

Think it's far enough into Christmas to start this thing off. I got up at like 11, got ready. Most of the day I was either outside or in my room chillin'. Nadia was out in the living room, Jason and John playing Modern Warfare, and Tony in HIS room. Not much for a gathering haha. Not much longer and I'll have a puppy to keep me from being so lonely all the time. We got like 1 picture taken. So, that needs done. We just need one workable one really.

Dinner was good. We had ham, stuffing, gravy, salad, yummy biscuits, homemade cranberry sauce and yams. I think that's all of it lol I only had ham, stuffing and biscuits. Got the stomach capacity of an infant apparently. lol

Lucky seriously cracks me up. He's definitely a talker lol. Ellie actually seemed happy to have him around. Apparently she's not a fan of not being the center of attention lol. Reminds me of some of the people I know. haha It was kind of cute to find a present To: Ellie From: Papa under the tree. I'd of done the same thing if I had Bradley right now.

Got to watch "Elf". Problem was, it was on like.. repeat. Kinda funny that I seen a news article highlighting the fact this year was crap for Christmas movies. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. I think TBS has that 25 days of Christmas thing, but the movies slotted for this year were horrible. I mean c'mon! "Ernest saves Christmas". No? That's a classic! I had to wait til Christmas eve to see "The Santa Clause". (I ended up bumping up my Netflix to 3 discs to get 1-3.) Thank you network television for being so cheap you dampened my Christmas spirit. Now smack yourself repeatedly.

It rained pretty hard today. Of COURSE it did. haha It WAS nice for a little bit. Which I definitely missed today. I actually miss PA Christmas's. Where there's so much snow, you can easily opt out of visiting. "Sorry [insert name here]. The roads are just too bad to drive in." Solves that problem lol  Tho, most don't because they're softy's. lol  If it were me, It would go something like this. -> "You don't want me there trust me. If I have to drive in it, I'm gonna be an asshole all day." Pretty much sums it up right? I will inadvertently make you hate life because I had to drive in it. lol For safety reasons, I would be a genius.

One person called today. Adam. He's kinda awesome like that. I got a bunch of texts tho. Some of them I woke up to. 6 to be exact. Others I prompted. My own mother didn't call lol. I COULD of called her, but I'm sorry, why does it always have to be me? lol Would it kill someone to call ME for once? I'm on that kick right now. I was actually about win a bet with myself that no one would call. hahaha Dammit. ;)

It's 0332. I should be asleep. I'm tired. I'm drained. I'm barely here. And suddenly just want to watch Harry Potter. THAT is Kiley's fault. Damn you Kiley Hora. haha Hey. We all like something we're actually embarrassed to tell others. Some claim they're not intimidated, but we all know they secretly love playing with Barbie's. hahah  :)