Friday, May 14, 2010

Standing Against the Rain

Where do i start? They made me take out my lip ring...which was almost healed. I flipped about that. Safety reasons my ass. Then my lifeline. O and this one nurse was convinced I've taken it out before and was lying when i said i've never taken it out. She kept calling me a liar. Never took it out... until they did. How quick there were to judge.

It wasn't a complete waste of time tho. Cus the head doc write 'severe ptsd' on my chart that goes to the VA. So, thats one step down. I have 2 appts at the VA in Johnstown on the 18th. I just dont like being isolated. Sometimes you just need a hug. You'll never get that in there. So thats kind of depressing, but i'm ok.

Only one person calls. But that one in particular has a way of always cheering me up. So, he's helped more than I can ever say.

The doc says he thinks i should stay longer ( for at least a week), but honored my 72 release request. I ended up out today at like 1230.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there. Somehow came across this site. I am also a veteran and have been through some "dark days" as I like to call them. I do not feel like that now. I am not sure what all has happened to you and don't really need to know unless you want to say it, but you need to know that nothing stays the same, good bad or otherwise. I was in Las Vegas when I realized as shitty as things were, I could change them and that was the first baby step to a new life. It has not been easy and there wasn't anything called PTSD when I got out in 98, it was just the way it was. Anyway, you are doing what you can for your friend Horner and there are others that need someone like you, someone who cares. You made it through all of that, whatever it was, are you going to let the "normal" life take you out of the game?
