Constantly shaking. I try to be positive, but then I look around. No one is there. No one is ever there. I don't foresee anything changing. I'm too broken to recover. I have no family. I have no basis to go on. I wish I knew how I got to this point. I wish I knew how to fix this.
I've come to the realization that I will spend the rest of my life alone, in pain and tormented. Its hard to accept, but I dont have a choice. My whole basis to go on has nothing to do with me. It's just about who I may be able to help in a somewhat indirect way. But how long can I keep doing that? It's hard to push through when you have nothing left to live for........
Been there and done that since coming home from Iraq in 04. I deal with the simular issues every damm day. If you give in then you've lost the fight. DONT LOOSE THE FIGHT!