Thursday, November 18, 2010

War Goggles - Making America Remember

The fallout from your past could be metaphorically compared to toxins. The effects can last for years. The willingness to drop all trust, for everyone, is so easily made. The willingness to seclude into the confines of their only possessions...and disappear, is an almost daily outcome. This is a part of society that you either know about, hear about, or deny deny deny. But no one talks about it. Its been in the news, but you rarely see the public talk about it. They're still in denial and that is one fact that could turn the outcome for todays combat veterans. Denial means no support. No support means more combat veterans homeless, incarcerated, poor or ... dead.

America needs to take off their government issue war goggles and come back to our side. A nation fighting for those that took that hit in the nuts for them. The brave volunteers that stepped up so no one got drafted. After all this time, the support is still lacking. Those with money could donate, but don't, because that would mean they'd have to spend money on someone other than themselves. Some talk about how they support the troops, yet don't do shit to help us or speak up for us. I see it this way. You either support us or you don't. Don't talk about how much you support the troops, prove it. Send a care package. Write a letter. Donate. Do something. Veterans are struggling so much now more than ever, and all the public does is say, "Oh. That sucks."

I believe supporting veterans is a moral american obligation. It's the least that can be done. But, there are some that believe otherwise. And should be slapped... repeatedly. Americans have stolen flags from veterans homes, defaced memorials placed in honor of their sacrifice, stolen crosses marking the greatest sacrifice paid for their right to be assholes, etc etc etc. And I need not mention calling us 'baby killers'. Yea thats it. I joined the army to shake babies. People need to seriously check into reality rehab, get their shit together, and remember why their lives aren't like those of Haiti.

The VA is another huge issue. These poor citizens are being led to bekive that we get 'top-notch' care. Really? Is that why veterans have been turned away from the VA literally holding a razor to their wrist? Or veterans being put on a PTSD waiting list and 4 years later, their still on it without treatment? Or that a veteran missing a leg and some change is denied for adjustments due to this disability? Wake up America. This is not how it should be. Veterans going into flashbacks and killing people who just happen to be there; its an epidemic is what it is. We get shitty care at the VA. Some luck out. Most of us are left dangling in the wing. America, this is what government run health care is like. Enjoy.

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